Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Start Living Now

Stop! Are you aware of what's happening this very moment...what's happening now?

An important tool that I've picked up along my path to staying upright and steady has been the practice of awareness. It's being aware of NOW. The strength of living in the moment is so essential to achieving inner peace and helps in finding balance in a topsy-turvy world.

Years ago I checked out a book from the library by Eckhart Tolle titled The Power of Now. Back then I was desperately trying to see myself through a degrading job market and trying to stay afloat when all around me seemed so very turbulent.

My mind at the time was cluttered with my own negative thoughts. Rejections forcing me to consider "dumbing up" my resume and the fear of the future had me stagnant. I spent countless numbers of hours stewing over the past. Worries about the future seemed to debilitate me even further.

Although I found Tolle's written work hard to grasp at first I was able to get past the intellectualism of the words to grasp the concept he was conveying. It is so very simple.

So much of our energy is wasted on worrying about the future or by reliving moments from the past that we're totally missing out on the present moment. Life slips by...moment by moment as our attention is focused on anything but the present moment.

I was suddenly very aware of how often my mind would wander to worries of days far off in the distance. I also became attuned to how drained I felt after having spent time replaying a bad moment in the past. My mind had been so accustomed to this pattern of flipping back and forth that I was hardly in my right mind. My present, centered mind that is.

It is amazing how much peace you can find when you just stop and take in each moment. This isn't to say that some moments won't be difficult or challenging. Being more aware of what's happening in the current moment frees up so much energy. Moment by moment you can find yourself with so much more to appreciate.

This week I caught myself veering away from what I thought I had learned. I was just out of practice is all. The wonderful thing about living in the moment is that you can take the moments back at any time.

Take a deep breath and there you are again...right here...right now...this beautiful, never will happen again

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Laughing Until I Cry

Some might call it an experiment of sorts. A dream perhaps? Call it a desire, a notion or even a hope steered by my own design. I intend to laugh until I cry.

This endeavor might seem problematic being that Sjogren's Syndrome has all but shriveled up my tear producing glands. I am determined though. I have a plan. 

I'm now on my 3rd month of Restasis and call it a pipe dream- I think I'm gonna cry. It's going to be magnificent and with a little help from other's mishaps, it's gonna happen.

Keeping in line with the whole Falling With Grace theme I just can't contain a snort or two when I see someone trip. It's not funny when people hurt themselves but when they have that "what the?!" expression as it's happening...oh, priceless. 

I'm lucky that I have lots and lots of memories of laughing so hard my sides hurt. My jaws would ache and I'd actually cry tears from so much laughing. Sometimes those hysterical moments are found in the oddest of moments so I have my radar turned on to spot the funny. Please accept my apologies in advance. I am not laughing at you but merely laughing with you. Did I mention that it's for a good cause?  

There are movies that have brought me to tears in the past so I think I'm going to be Netflixing myself into teardom soon. The scene in Little Miss Sunshine when the family is pulled over by a cop and the horn is stuck  gets me every time. 

Dinner For Schmucks, Due Date, both Hang Over movies and recently Bridesmaids all have had me gasping for air I was laughing so hard. Raunchy, perhaps but I'm on a mission for tears here gang. While on my quest for laughter tears I might have to sacrifice my sense of decorum.

I will be on the look out for every pratfall, bobbled step, sliding glass door face slam and baby fart video out there. I will be YouTubing myself to watery eyes. Double Rainbow Guy- you'll be getting hundreds of hits very soon. 

Laughter is awesome medicine so at the very least I will pop out some peppy endorphines while conducting my tear duct droplet experiment. 

I am open to suggestions so if you all have some please comment below. 

For starters...